Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Health Care

Ok, I know this topic is being beaten to death in the news...& of course it's not "sponsored" by an insurance company (I just learned that term today) so it will not be able to see a doctor & will suffer even further...but I just must. My best friend's husband was in an accident last Saturday- a bad accident but nothing that we thought couldn't be handled by the capable hands at "County" as it is affectionately referred to. After all while he had shattered his leg the rest of him was in pretty good shape. So good that he was able to order a turkey sandwich from Whole Foods when asked. They were supposed to operate that night, setting his bones with pins & sending him on his merry way. But alas, the poor old lady that "County" is, she just couldn't get it together- after all it was a Saturday night in the City of Angeles & getting your party on sometimes means there will be casualties. So as the waiting room filled up with your garden variety gun shot wounds, car accidents, a knife stabbing & overdoses Michael's needs got pushed to the back burner. Time marched on. Then came the moment after a day of sitting in the hospital, his wife & mother & father & step father & friends by his side when a piece of fat from inside of his mangled bone seeped into his blood steam causing several strokes. Of course no one knew at the time that is what it was, no one in attendance was trained in medicine, apparently including the nurses on call because not one of them seemed alarmed, telling the distraught family that it must be a case of too many pain killers & to just wait it out. We did what we were told. When the morning came & still no improvement his wife DEMANDED an MRI, which was akin in difficulty to pulling the teeth of a chicken. The slowest movement ever. Informed with the results did they spring into action applying multiple therapeutic treatments? Did they hyper oxygenate him? Or administer clot dissolving drugs? Did you guess correctly? Maybe they need a computer & someone to show them how to use Google or Web MD. To date they have done NOTHING but give him saline. Maybe not the best treatment for a stroke...ya think? I know they are pushed beyond any imaginable limit, being the ONLY option in a city of something over 10 million people, many of which have no access to health insurance & so I don't really fault them too much- when you have nothing left what can you possibly give?

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